Have-A-Heart-Hoof Care

Hoof trimming is so essential in keeping your mini pig in good care. We struggled to be able to do Rosie’s hooves ourselves as she got bigger. I’ve tried different vets, but those experiences weren’t that great. We were running out of options and our hoof trimming skills weren’t cutting it.

Thankfully, I had heard through the pig community that Dawn & McKenzie from Have-A-Heart-Hoof care we’re traveling up and down the state of Florida (out of state as well) to trim hooves. I was so relieved to find them. When they came to my house they were so professional, kind and knowledgeable. I knew Rosie was in good hands. You know pigs, she was a drama queen at first, but settled down and then by the end she feel asleep!?!?! Lol

Let me tell you, they did an amazing job and were very thorough and educated me on hooves. I highly recommend Have-A-Heart-Hoof Care, and I’m so thankful that I found them. That’s one less thing I have to worry about in taking good care of Rosie. They are reasonably priced as well and they exceeded my expectations. We have used them again since these pictures, and Rosie is actually due for another trimming.

As a mini pig owner, you know how stressful it can be as they get bigger to get them into your vehicle and take them to a new place. Dawn & Mckenzie have taken a huge stressor off my shoulders, and I’m so thankful for that. Have-A-Heart-Hoof Care has a FB page where you can contact them and also see more or their work and happy customer reviews.


OinkBox Subscription Review

So when I got Rosie, I was naively under the impression that she would get as big as 50 pounds per the Breeder. In the way of education and information on the web, it’s no where near what’s on the web now about the truth behind how big mini pigs get or how to properly care for them. I did my research, I just didn’t really know and there wasn’t anything bad about this Breeder on the web. My Breeder is what we call a “Greeder,” they’re in it for the money and don’t care that they’re misleading you. Once I received Rosie at the airport, I never heard from the Breeder again.

Rosie’s my baby and I’ve struggled through the years to stimulate her/entertain her as she has gotten older. FOOD is always the main driver with mini pigs, lol. If they hear any inkling of a crumple of a bag or smell something….Game Over. You’ve gotta share because there is no eating alone anymore. Lol

With that being said, we finally subscribed to the OinkBox. I know, I know, lol, we are late to the game, but I had a baby and let me tell you that’s all consuming and life-changing (for the better). I never doubted it wouldn’t be anything short of awesome!!!

OinkBox didn’t disappoint!!! We just received our 2nd box and Rosie just loves what comes in her OinkBox. I’ve spent many hours looking for ways to entertain her from the web, FB page groups, friends, etc over the years. OinkBox takes having to find new ways to entertain your piggy away in one box!! We are talking down to the detail of the size of the treats that fit into the treat dispensing toys. You all KNOW PIGS ARE TOO SMART…it can’t be too easy for your piggy or they’re done with the treat toy in like 5 min, lol. We Ain’t having that, lol. You all know what I’m talking about, lol.

In the box there is a pamphlet with a description of what’s inside your box, tips for mini pig owners, and other informative information. There are a variety of things in the box and it’s always different. I look forward to when the box comes in the mail because I know Rosie appreciates the different toys and treats. I’ve seen a change in her disposition since I’ve been giving her the items out of her OinkBox. Her tail is wagging more and she’s been more interactive, moving around and happy. This box has been a blessing to us. I know that sounds silly, but it’s true.

Since I’ve had my son, Greyson, Rosie has had to take a back seat to my attention. Obviously, I knew that would happen and I know she gets it on some level. I know she’s gone through a bit of a depression herself since I had my son because of the change, but that topic is for a whole other blog post on Life with a Pig… & then a Baby comes along.

OinkBox has really curated a subscription box truly meant for a mini pig. You can tell that they love their OinkBox business; I’m all about the details and it’s all wrapped up in this box. I would give them more than 5 Stars for what that have to offer in their subscription box. I’m not being paid to write this blog or anything, it’s a great box!! I just wanted to share our experience and how it’s helped us. It’s money well spent on your piggy. From one mini pig owner to another, I know we struggle to keep them active and entertained. You won’t be disappointed with your subscription.❤️https://oinkboxstore.com/

Our 1st Snort Life Product Review!!!

Our 1st Blog Review from Life With a Mini Pig!!!!! I’m on Cloud 9!!!! Tamara’s review is so detailed, gracious, and captured what Snort Life is All About!! I’m just blown away!!! I’m so grateful for the time she took in sharing her thoughts about us. Oscar is Look’N So Fresh in his Snort Life Bow Tie Vest; we thought it suited his personality perfectly!!🐽❌🐽❌🐽 I’m so thankful for such a Supportive Pig Family; we are nothing without each other. ❤️ Tamara & Oscar, Thoink You For Making Us Feel So Special!!!
Click the link below to read Life With A Mini Pig’s Review on her  and Oscar’s Snort Life Experience.😃


Rosie’s Real Estate & Other Essentials

Every Piggy Needs Some Prime Real Estate. Here are some essentials that have made our lives better, and Rosie happier. Essentials: Rug, Tent & Rooting Box!

First off, every piggy needs their own space or area, aka real estate, and Rosie has always had her area in our living room. We did have her enclosed in a metal dog play fence when we first got her, but she quickly out grew that. Then we did put a baby gate up in thr hallway, so she couldn’t get to our bedroom door to wake us up for food!?!? lol. Now, with some training, she doesn’t bang at our door and waits till we wake up.

Rosie’s real estate consists of of 9×12 rug from Walmart, which was like $20 or $30. We nailed part of the rug up against the wall to protect the base boards and wall from being banged with her rooting rocks and other toys (see picture). Then she has her princess tent she sleeps in every night. I purchased it from Amazon for $18.98 and Amazon Prime. Here’s the link: Princess Tent. Every night I say, It’s time for bed,” to Rosie, and she knows and starts walking to her tent entrance. Then she waits for me to throw a few cheerios in her tent, I give her a few scratches, and I turn the lights out. Then she goes to bed. It’s our ritual.

I also have a heating pad in her tent, which is another mini pig essential. Pigs love warmth. Sometimes Rosie won’t leave her tent just because she doesn’t want to get off her heating pad. 😀 Here’s the link: Heating Pad. There are other options of heating pads, but this is the cheapest one I’ve found.
Her rooting box is the most important thing on her “real estate,” which she absolutley loves! A rooting box is great because pigs innately want to root. The rooting box allows them to do that inside your house. It’s a stimulating activity, and they enjoy the box and hunting for food treasures. I feed her breakfast and dinner in her rooting box, and I give her snacks in her rooting box as well.

Rosie’s rooting box is made with a clear under-the-bed plastic bin. Here’s the link: Under The Bed Bin  Then I filled the rooting box with large river rocks, which I bought at Home Depot. Here’s the link: River Rocks. I used 1 1/2 bags of rock to fill the bin up. Also, using large rocks is best, so they don’t choke on the rocks. Smaller rocks can be dangerous, and you don’t want to put your piggy at risk. Plus, the larger rocks make it harder for them to get the food, and you want it to be a challenge. I used to just feed Rosie her food in a bowl and she’d finish it in like 10 seconds, so the rooting box is a great alternative to slow down feeding times. Below is a video link to Rosie enjoying her dinner. I swear, Lola, our long-haired chihuahua, thinks she’s a mini pig and wishes she had her own rooting box. Lol

Rosie Using Her Rooting Box

Lastly, her water bowel is just a regular ceramic bowl. Rosie’s not one to tip and dump her water bowl, so we don’t have that problem. However, she drools the water all over, and the black plastic tray helps capture that water. Otherwise, I have a trail of water all over. The black tray I bought at Walmart in their placemat section.

Well, I hope you find my tips helpful. Please feel free to share your tips, comments, and feedback!!

Rosie’s Litter Box Idea 

It’s All About The Potty!! 

I get asked a lot what worked best for a litter box for Rosie, so I decided to post this blog to help others with the same question. Remember, every mini pig is different and they all have their preferences and such. So my idea isn’t the end-all-be-all by any means, I’m just sharing what worked for us. 

Rosie came to me from the breeder litter box trained. At 1st, I used a tiny cat box and as she grew I got the largest litter box I could find. Well, that was 4 boxes later and a lot of money shelled out. My advice is to buy the large bin pictured above (I got mine at Walmart) and cut a hole on the side like above. I wouldn’t do it centered or on the side because we they pee, it might go out the box. That’s at least with girls…they get distance. Lol 

I used natural pine pellets in her litter box, which helped immensely with the smell. I’d just scoop out the used pellets. I tried using kitty litter to save on cost, and Forget That…holy moly did her box smell to high heaven. So I stuck with the natural pine pellets because the smell was horrid. 

Now, Rosie only goes potty outside. She never pooped in her litter box ever. She would only pee in it, and then she just stopped going in the box all together and only goes potty outside. Please, feel free to comment below on other tips, feedback and/or questions. 

Annie Oinkley & Frank Swineatra, Therapy Pigs, Are Reppin Snort Life For Their Pet Therapy Apparel!!!

We are proud to announce that Annie Oinkley & Frank Swineatra are official Midwest Pets For Life Spokespigs!!! We are honored that their mom, Sandi Bartels, has chosen Us to dress her fabulous piggies while they make their impact upon the folks at the assisted living facilities they will visit in their community. 

I am truly honored and it’s a wonderful feeling knowing the clothes I create will make people smile and laugh as they see Annie & Frank dressed to-the-nines in their fancy and festive apparel. As you can see from the pictures, they’ve already been featured in their local newspaper, The Dewitt Observer. 

They will also be making appearances at the Alverno, Northeast school, the Clinton Library, and the Save the Fourth parade. Watch for them at many area venues this spring and summer!! Please “Like” their FB Page Midwest Pets For Life, just click the link👉🏻. Midwest Pets For Life

Joy Sky Rockets To Stardom In Her Snort Life Dress…


How a pig saved a small-town movie theater

Click The Link To View The Video:☝🏻️☝🏻 It’s a great, heart warming story!

We are so excited that we had the opportunity to dress another Celebrity Pig!?!?! 

It was an absolute pleasure working with Joy & her mom, Dawn Bleeker, to design her perfect custom dress for her TV debut on a local children’s television show. Joy is quite the entertaining mini pig, and I’d say she’s become quite the celebrity, too! We just feel honored to be a part of such a momentous moment. We look forward to following Joy’s new found A-List Status in the mini pig world and beyond!
